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We will never lose our vision:
"Through providing an elite, dedicated service to our customers with deep gratitude, we will remain a strong leader in this extremely competitive industry."
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On-Call Customer Service

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24/7 Operations

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Landstar Connect Tracking

Our Operations:

Trans-continental load?


We've got you covered.

Rail cars moving along the track at sunset.
Landstar executives approached Scott Martin, co-founder of AGL, in early 2002. Scott earned his name in the industry with his highly accumulated success in the transportation industry while working for various transportation and 3PL companies. At the time, his vision was to grow a company based on the highest morals, strongest work-ethic and mutually beneficial business relationships. He believes that with the right staff behind him, he could bring a standard of service and honesty to an industry where these traits are not always present. 


With support of the Landstar system behind his vision, he has since created one of the most prosperous, diverse and reputable logistics and transportation management companies to date. 

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